Sunday, January 6, 2008

Google images fun

Thanks Brixius - This was a lot of fun. .

The rules: Type the answer to each question into a Google image search, and you pick an image from the first page of results…easy peasy…and fun!

1. The age you will be on your next birthday.

2. A place you would like to visit. (Greece)

3. A favorite place to be. (Lots of thinking done here - and other things :)

4. Favorite Food.

5. Favorite Animal

6. Favorite Color (Noelle knows - purple with pink polkadots)

7. The town you were born in. (Snake Springs, PA)

8. Name of a past pet. (Panda Bear)

9. Name of a past love. (Noelle - is there any other?)

10. Your first name.

11. A bad habit.

12. First Job.

13. Grandmother’s name. (I have no idea what this has to do with Anne. Scary)

14. College Major. (Math Education)

1 comment:

Mrs. Aleisha Brixius said...

Love it Doug!!

Isn't it fun to see what others put.